Practical support for your business
If you want practical support for health and safety, or to implement management systems or attain certification, it’ll be Flemming who guides you.
If you want support for HR, it’ll be Louise who assists you. That’s the extent of our organogram! And it’s that personal service, delivered by experienced consultants who get to know you and your business, and who really care about giving you a great service, that makes QSUK the consultancy of choice for many SMEs.
Both of us are professionally qualified to the highest level in our fields and we’ve committed to adhering to some core values which define the way we go about doing business.
Our values include:
Integrity – whatever work we take on, we’ll do so because we genuinely believe we can do a good job and your business will benefit from it. We’ll tailor our provision to you to be no more and no less than you really need, and honesty will be the foundation to all our interactions.
Responsibility – being invited to get involved with peoples’ businesses carries a responsibility which we recognise and we will always keep this in mind as we support you – we want our input to contribute to your success. Similarly, we’ve acquired professional skills which we will use responsibly, applying them with care and consideration for the benefit of all involved.
Kindness – we’re doing business with each other, but our businesses are made up of people with feelings and emotions. So, we’ll be professional and efficient but our working relationship with you will be underpinned with kindness, compassion and humility.

Our story
We founded QSUK in 2002, responding to an opportunity to provide SMEs with professional, flexible and cost-effective services. Each of our consultants bring specific but complementary expertise in health and safety, training standards, management systems and human resources.
What sets QSUK apart from competitors is quite simply the quality of our consultants’ work. Each of us has an unflinching passion for our specialty. Each has a wealth of experience backed up with the highest professional qualifications. And each of us is diligent, a trait which some might call ‘stubborn persistence’, but the fact is we’ll go to great lengths to deliver exceptional service for our clients.
We know our subjects, but we also take pride in being personable about the way we impart that information, crafting our services to meet the exacting requirements of each client. With our support, you can be sure your business will not only be compliant with legislation, but it will be operating efficiently and reflecting current best practice.

In addition to his health & safety qualifications, Flemming is proud of his FIFST status (Fellow of the Food Science & Technology Institute), which reflects his personal passion for all things to do with food - his first cookbook is already published.
Flemming’s career started when he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Dairy Management from Odense in Denmark. His work with Chr Hansen brought him to England in 1984, where his career in food manufacturing was shaped by the impact of the BSE crisis. Some opportunities arose within commercial bakeries which led to him forming QSUK to provide consultancy services, and the business has grown steadily from 2001 to be the established successful consultancy it is now.
When he’s not working, he’s likely to be developing recipes for his next cookbook, or building technical Lego models – another great Danish import!

Louise’s first job was in recruitment and this quickly led to her developing a career in HR, fulfilling generalist HR roles across a variety of sectors, with a substantial period in the charity sector.
Proud to have achieved the professional status of FCIPD (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development), she continues to welcome just about every aspect of HR with enthusiasm and energy. Nothing much phases her as she will always find fair and practical ways forward.
Louise is an advocate of lifelong learning in both work and personal life, and devotes several hours each week learning to play the piano and speaking Danish. ‘Arbejdsglaede’ is the Danish concept of ‘happiness at work’, and she reckons she’s cracked it!