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Working at home

Short format personal development courses

QSUK also has a range of short format courses for those with little time to spare. Get in touch with our Bracknell-based team now to book.

Bitesize courses for busy professionals

If you’re looking to improve your knowledge with personal development courses but know that you’re short on time, our short format courses are an ideal choice. These courses cut straight to the important details, allowing you to gain the same amount of knowledge with less of a time commitment. Courses labelled as ‘audio’ are exactly as they sound, you won’t need to follow along with a visual presentation. Take a look below, pay online now and contact us to arrange your start date. All our short format courses cost just £20 per module.

If you would like to purchase multiple courses or have multiple delegates for the same course, please contact us directly for the best price and information on how to proceed.

Courses available in short format include:

Private Meeting

 Email to find out more or put together a tailored course package.

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